Listing the latest information concerning Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale 2010

Topics & News

□23 November (Tuesday/National Holiday)
●Funasaka Sanno Shrine Autumn Festival
Place: Funasaka Sanno Shrine and various spots within the Funasaka Community
Note: Please come by bus as no parking space is available for the public.

18 November 2010
The Exhibition Period has come to an end. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have visited us in great numbers. Yes, in a small town of 500 plus population, we have received about 20,000 people, evidencing the warmest support extended to us. All executive committee members send our most sincere thanks for this warm support.

2010.10.30 (Sat. 13:30-19:30)
    Participants Presentation on the Results of their Performance
    Groups Participating in the Artistic Performance aided by Fukutake Foundation for the Promotion of Regional Culture took place in Shodoshima Island, the site for the Setouchi International Art Festival, where Tatsuya FUJII, the General Director made his presentation.

2010.10.28 (Thu) - 11.07 (Sun)
    Special Exhibition "Nagare-e, The Flowing Picture Scroll" took place at the Gymnasium. The substantial portion of Sadatoshi YOSHII's art occupied the entire Gymnasium floor space, an unprecedented exhibition in scale.

    Funasaka Biennale 2010 was televised during news horus by both NHK Kobe and Sun TV.  Please click Still Pictures clipped from the live broadcast.
Bundling Art with Tangle for Stock” by Takafumi KOBUKI, Art Journalist, makes a detailed introduction of Funasaka Biennale 2010. Takafumi KOBUKI participated in the 10 October Symposium on “If Art can save the Local Community.” Takafumi KOBUKI's Bundling Art with Tangle for Stock
小吹隆文さんの「アートのこぶ 〆」で詳しく紹介されています。
10日 のシンポジウム「アートは地域を救えるか」にもコメンテーターとして登場頂いた、美術ライター小吹隆文さんのレポートです。
小吹隆文 アートのこぶ〆
Since the opening of 10 October, we have enjoyed welcoming everyday an overwhelming number of visitors to Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale 2010.
It seems that the works of art displayed here and there in the tranquil Funasaka mountain's breast tend to penetrate deep into the minds of visitors, making them feel mellow and comfortable.
At the neighbouring Exhibition, “Rokko Meets Art”, the works by Yukio FUJIMOTO, Yoshiaki KAIHATSU, and Masanori NISHIMURA are included in the Exhibition. It would be fun to compare the works exhibited by these artists in front and back of Mt. Rokko. Moreover, at Arima-onsen hot SPA, “Back Alley Art Project” is being convened. Please be sure to visit it to make your art appreciation tour wholesome.
* FUNASAKA BIENNALE 2010 is CLOSED on WEDNESDAYS. While visitors can enjoy viewing works of art exhibited outdoor at various sites, General Information Desk and all indoor exhibition sites are closed on Wednesdays.
のどかな里山のそこここに配された今回の作品群は、訪れる人の心に染み入ってほっこりとさせてくれる…そんな傾向が強 いようです。
ご近所で開催中の「六甲ミーツアート」には、藤本由紀夫さん、開発好明さん、西村正徳さんの作品も展示されています。 六甲山の表と裏、船坂での展示と比較 してみるのも面白いでしょう。さらに、お隣の有馬温泉では「路地裏アートプロジェクト」が行われています。合わせてお楽しみください。
西宮船坂ビエンナーレは<水曜定休>です。野外作品のみ鑑賞できますが、総合案内所は閉まっており室内展示はご覧いただけま せん。

PR Event on Saturday 2nd October from 14:00 to 15:00 hours, “Autumn to meet Art at Villiage Mountain Breasts.”
Place: At Top Stage, 2nd Floor Nishinomiya Hankyu Department Store (Inside the Nishinomiya Gardens, at Nishinomiya Kitaguchi Station). Admission Free.
With opening day only a week away, General Director Tatsuya FUJII and Student Volunteers will talk about the Art Festival and the charm that Yamaguchi-cho Funasaka area can offer.
Presentation includes display panel and video image. Visitors can sample taste tomato jam made in Funasaka (in limited quantity.)
102()14:00-15:00 PRイベント「里山でアートに出会う秋!」
場所:西宮阪急2階 トップステージ(阪急西宮北口下車、西宮ガーデンズ内) 入場無料
Sunday 10 October from 15:00 thrugh 18:00
Symposium: “Can Art save the local community?”
1010()15:00-18:00 シンポジウム「アートは地域を救えるか」
Place: Ex-Funasaka Elementary School Gymnastic Hall (2103-2 Yamaguchicho Funasaka, Nishinomiya-shi) Admission Free.
Panellists: Yukio FUJIMOTO (Biennale di Venezia), Yasushi NAKASE (FUJINO International Art Symposium, Kanagawa), Satoshi HATA (CAI Contemporary Art Institute, Sapporo), Tetsuo YAMASHIGE (NAKANOJO BIENNALE, Gumma), Yugen ONODERA (International Openair Expressions, Hiki, Saitama), Hiroshi EGAMI (Abiko International Open-Air Exhibition, Chiba), Yoko NAKATA (Biwako Biennale, Shiga), Hiroshi MATSUO (Ginseisha, Wakayama), Kiyotaka TAKAMIZAWA (Rokko Meets Art), Masakatsu NISHINO (Arimaonsen Rojiura Art Project), Keiichi TANAKA (Secretary, Sakai City Education Board), Makoto KANNAN (Tamba Sasayama Machinami Art Festival), Junko SAKURAI (Chihaya Akasakamura Open-Air Exhibition in Tanada)
Commentator: Takafumi KOBUKI (Art Journalist), etc.
Moderator: Masato INOUE (Sociologist, Full-time instructor of Mukogawa Women's Univ.)
Observer: Noriyuki MIZUNO (Secretarial Office to develop Fukutake Area in Culture & Art)
Host: Tatsuya FUJII (General Director), Fukashi KITASHUKUGAWA (Director in charge of Stage Performance)
In the name of Biennale or Triennale, art projects are mushrooming nationwide based in local communities in a variety of forms, namely, at the initiative of administration, artists, or local residents. Their histories and forms are varied. Can Art become the saviour of the local community? Trap setters assembled at Funasaka heatedly discuss over these issues.
場所:旧船坂小学校体育館(西宮市山口町船坂2103-2) 入場無料
パネラー:藤本由紀夫(「ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ」)、中瀬康志(FUJINO国際アートシンポジウム・ 神奈川)、端聡(CAI現 代芸術研究所・札 幌)、山重徹夫(中之条ビエンナーレ・群馬)、小野寺優元(国際野外の表現展比企・埼玉)、江上弘(我孫子国際野外美術展・千葉)、中田洋子(琵琶湖ビエ ンナーレ・滋賀)、松尾寛(銀聲舎・和歌山)、高見沢清隆(六甲ミーツアート・神戸)、西野昌克(有馬温泉路地裏アートプロジェクト)、田中圭一(堺市教 育委員会指導主事)、河南誠(丹波篠山まちなみアートフェスティバル)、櫻井淳子(千早赤阪村野外美術展in棚田)
はたしてアートは地域の救世主となり得るのか? 船坂に集結した各地の仕掛人たちが、熱く語ります!
6 September 2010
Volunteers are wanted! Both student volunteers and general public volunteers. Click here for more details.
詳細はこ ちら

Participating artists have moved in to Funasaka for on-site creation of their art. German artists will join from 1 September. While visitors are permitted to visit the art creation site, it is appreciated if the visitors can pay due attention and refrain from disturbing the activities of the artists and the local residents.
参加作家が滞在制作に入っています。91日からはドイツ人作家も現地入りして います。野外での活動は随時ご覧いただけますが、創作活動中の作家そして地域への十分な配慮をお願いいたします。
Blog is being renewed from time to time. The Event Information for 2010 is renewed.
Biennale Art Collection (for 2009 Prologue) is available for purchase at the Secretarial Office.
ブログは随時更新中です。 2010イ ベント情報更新しました。
ビエンナーレ作品集2009年プロローグ)購入ご希望の方 は、事務局までお問い合わせください。
Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale (2009 Prologue) has won the Grand Prix out of the 31 contestants in the “Projects to support the activation of the local area in the Hyogo Hanshin Southern Area.”
Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale will formally be convened from 2010 in every other year.
On Wednesday December 2009, at the plenary assembly of the Nishinomiya City Council, the subsequent support to the Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale was affirmatively approved.
平成21年 度「兵庫県阪神南地域づくり活動応援事業」に採択された31の 取り組みの中から、西宮船坂ビエンナーレ2009プ ロローグ(序章)が、<グランプリ>に 選ばれました。
12/9(水) 西宮市議会本会議で取り上げられ、今後の支援について答弁がありました。
  • 西宮船坂ビエンナーレブログ
  • 船坂新聞
  • 西宮流(西宮スタイル)


Events this week:

Sat. 13 Nov. 
Baroque Dance Workshop
13:00~14:20 ② Music Room (1000 yen)
Noriko YUASA (Baroque Dance)
Kenji SANO (Lute)
15:00~16:30 ③ Lunch Room (1500 yen)
Baroque Dance Performance
Noriko YUASA (Baroque Dance)
Kenji SANO (Lute)
Note: Admission for Workshop is 1000 yen but no charge for those purchasing the ticket for Baroque Dance Performance at 1500 yen.

Sun. 14 Nov. 
Artist Talk
15:00~17:30 ③ Lunch Room

For more details, please click Event Information:


Address your enquiries to:

Executive Committee of FUNASAKA Satoyama Art Festival at
or by telephone or fax at:  +81(0)789075670

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SUPPORT FUNASAKA by contacting Executive Committee to participate in the volunteering activities or in making financial contribution.

Copy Right 2009-2010 Nishinomiya Funasaka BIENNALE All Rights Reserved.